In September of 2005, the Trans-Border Institute of the University of San Diego (TBI) became the coordinating institution for this multi-year research project on the administration of justice and the rule of law in Mexico. The Justice in Mexico Project is the continuation of a collaborative research initiative entitled the Project on Reforming the Administration of Justice in Mexico at the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies of University of California, San Diego (2002-2005). Now based at the University of San Diego, the TBI Justice in Mexico Project continues to promote analysis, dialogue, and policy solutions to address a variety of urgent problems related justice sector reform and the rule of law in Mexico and the U.S.-Mexican border region.
The three-fold rationale for the TBI
Justice in Mexico Project is based on: (1) the need to decentralize justice sector analysis and reform efforts in Mexico, (2) the need for a greater emphasis on best practices (particularly with regard to promoting transparency and accountability), and (3) the need for a US-based partner for helping to generate neutral analysis on Mexican justice reform initiatives. Site:
Monthly News Report Number 35, September 2008: